
This page highlights tools and resources from our partners to help organizations interested in engaging in climate policy. This includes industry sign-on letters, comments on rule-making, Hill visits and other ways companies can support climate legislation at the federal, state and local levels. Only with government policies and enforcement can we hope to enact the kinds of sweeping changes needed to make a difference and to level the playing field for businesses.

Working Group: Businesses for a Climate-Smart Recovery

We are working to empower companies in our network to engage with your members of Congress to advocate for a climate-smart COVID recovery. Through this network, we'll be working to activate companies to independently and collectively advocate by:

  • Training interested companies on best practices in climate policy advocacy, so you feel ready to go out and engage with lawmakers;
  • Providing companies with resources, tools, and an activated network to streamline their advocacy and make it easier and more accessible
  • Connecting companies to advocacy opportunities at the state and federal level through a broad network of partners

Interested in joining? Please email [email protected] for more information!

Case Studies and Company Examples:


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