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Keeping Climate a Top Priority Amid COVID: An Interview with Outpost Natural Foods

We are taking stock of climate action in 2020 and what's ahead for the industry through a series of interviews with the 2020 National Co+op Grocers Climate Collaborative Awards winners. This week we sat down with Kurt Baehmann, Sustainability Manager at Outpost Natural Foods, winner of the 2020 Outstanding Company Award. (View our previous interview with Numi Organic Tea).


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The Key to Climate Impact? Leverage the Supply Chain, Says Glen’s Garden Market

Glens’ Garden Market has climate action in its DNA. Founder Danielle Vogel created the Washington, D.C.-based store after leaving a career working on climate change legislation in the U.S. Senate. “Glen’s exists to make climate change progress – one bite at a time – by serving Good Food from close by, and growing relationships with partners, who treat their land, their animals and their ingredients with respect,” says Vogel.

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