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November 2022 Newsletter

hope that you were able to find time to celebrate with your loved ones last week, and that you have space over the next month to enjoy this festive time of the year. May we all find ways to regenerate ourselves, so that we have the heart and clarity of mind to do this critical work. As I took pause last week to reflect on all I am grateful for, I was struck by deep gratitude for this community of people and organizations that are working in support of the extraordinary place we call home. 

The incredible work of our community was top of mind because our team has been busy aggregating the data from our Annual Tracking Progress Survey, and there are a number of trends that we are excited about and grateful for. In the coming weeks we will be releasing our Annual Tracking Progress Report, but a few key trends have already emerged. Despite all the barriers companies have faced in the economy, within their supply chains, and due to pandemic related issues they are finding ways to persist in their climate action. We are also seeing more companies setting net zero targets and finding ways to integrate climate action into every aspect of their business. Your work in this area is on the leading edge—and we have so much more to do. The insights gleaned from the Tracking Progress Survey are helping us set our course for 2023 and this work is underway right now!

We would love your support with the work ahead. Today is Giving Tuesday, and we invite you to please consider becoming a sponsor of the Climate Collaborative. Sponsorship is a fantastic way to support our work AND to gain visibility as a climate leader. 

As you start thinking about 2023, please save the date for Climate Day (March 7th) at Expo West in Anaheim, California! This all-day event focuses on the most critical and timely topics to support your climate work, brings top speakers, and provides many opportunities to connect with your peers in this work.

Thanks again for your amazing work. Please keep an eye out for our upcoming Tracking Progress Report to learn more about how you and your peers are having an impact.

In collaboration,


Courtney Pineau
Executive Director
Climate Collaborative 



Organically Grown Company's Mission Fund

We're excited to share that we've received a grant from Organically Grown Company's Mission Fund. Giving back to the community is deeply ingrained in OGC's purpose, and we're proud to work with them to promote and grow the organic movement.

Partner Event - VERGE Net Zero

December 6th - 7th, 2022

VERGE Net Zero is a complimentary online event that will provide you with deep dives and how-to guides on the strategies, technologies and partnerships key to accelerating your organization's net-zero transition.

7f390100-53ec-4c2e-99b1-4ea48f88ee86.jpgWebinar - UNFI Climate Action Four-Part Series: DISCLOSE

December 7th, 1 PM EST // 12 PM CST // 11 AM MST // 10 AM PST

Join us for our upcoming webinar on the critical role disclosure can play as part of your climate action strategy. The final webinar in our four-part series with UNFI and Shift Advantage will include a short presentation from CDP, along with a high-level exploration of climate impact disclosure from Shift Advantage. Companies are facing increasing pressure to provide greater transparency about their climate impacts, and this session will support you in taking the needed steps to proactively bring more accountability and engagement to your work. 

These webinars, informed by UNFI's Climate Action Guide, will cover the four stages of climate action:

Webinar - Updates From Emerging Regenerative Ag Certifications

December 14th, 1 PM EST // 12 PM CST // 11 AM MST // 10 AM PST

As we close out 2022, the Climate Collaborative is thrilled to bring you an update on the newest regenerative certifications to be entering the regenerative landscape. In this webinar, you will hear from the Soil Carbon Initiative (SCI), A Greener World, and Regenified on the development of their programs and how companies from across the supply chain can engage. 

In previous webinars and events we featured two of the pioneering regenerative programs widely used by our community, Regenerative Organic Certified and Land-to-Market. Since these programs are more established they will not be featured in this webinar, but you can learn more about them here.

In this upcoming webinar, the speakers will share their program's unique approach to regenerative agriculture, what attendees can expect from these programs in the coming year, the core design principles behind each program, how they are supporting farmers, and information on the verification requirements.

Save the Date - Climate Day at Natural Products Expo West

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023

Don't miss out on the best day of the year – inspiring speakers, real-world advice you can use, and the connections you need to make climate action possible. Join industry leaders for inspirational keynotes, executive roundtables, workshops, and more. 

Recording - Biodiversity and Climate Action: How COP15 Could Inform Your Company's Climate Strategy

In cased you missed it, watch this recording to hear from World Business Council for Sustainable Development, UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, and Pure Strategies on why COP15 matters to your business and how you can tie the biodiversity framework to your climate strategy.



Your Guide to the Inflation Reduction Act (Rewiring America)

The Inflation Reduction Act is full of incentives to help you and your family go electric. But there's a lot to explore and understand, from electric appliances you may not even know about yet to the best way to structure your electric journey for maximum savings. Our Go Electric guide provides everything you need to know to start using the electric bank account full of money you now have to electrify your household. 

Sign On: Historic Draught is Creating Ongoing Crisis for Organic Dairy Farmers (Straus Family Creamery)

Straus Family Creamery has created a coaoltion, the Western Organic Dairy Farming Crisis Coalition, that seeks immediate emergency drought relief assistance for organic dairy farmers. The drought has created a dramatic increase in feed costs (up to 50 percent), feed shortages, and drought-related operating costs. Concerned citizens can act by signing onto the coalition's new public letter addressed to USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. 



Serving as one of the most comprehensive regenerative agriculture dairy programs in the U.S., results to date reflect more than 54,386 tons of sequestered carbon and 480,188 tons of soil prevented from erosion. 

Pesticide and Climate Change: A Vicious Cycle

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. Scientific evidence indicates that pesticides contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions while also making our agricultural systems more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 

Share Your Good News With Us!

In this new section of our newsletter, we want to share out climate-related progress, announcements, and good news from our community in action. Send us an email at [email protected] to contribute to next month's section.


If you haven't already made a commitment to Climate Action please visit the Climate Collaborative website and check out the nine areas in which your company can make a commitment to bold climate action.


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