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The Climate Case

Roughly one-third of all the greenhouse gas emissions generated in the U.S. come from the burning of fossil fuels (primarily coal and natural gas) to produce electricity. Increasing the use of renewable power is one of the most critical ways to fight climate change. Right now, renewable energy sources account for only 13% of U.S. electricity although that number is growing quickly [1]. Businesses have the power to drive the creation of a thriving, global market for renewable power by committing to transition 100% of their electricity to renewable sources in the shortest practical time.

By transitioning to renewable sources of electricity, you can help to create an energy system that:

  • Reduces our impact on climate change;
  • Results in cleaner air;
  • Is more reliable and secure; and
  • May save your company money over time compared with conventional sources as recent reports indicate that the cost of renewables is dropping quickly [2].

Committing to a transition to renewable energy is not only a crucial strategy in combating climate change but also a powerful step towards climate justice. The burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation, which contributes to approximately one-third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, disproportionately affects marginalized communities. By increasing the use of renewable power, businesses can play a transformative role in addressing environmental injustices. Such a commitment not only reduces the overall impact on climate change but also ensures cleaner air, fostering healthier communities.

Take Action

Making the commitment to 100% renewable power means that your company will work towards a goal of switching to 100% renewable power by the earliest possible date. This commitment also includes providing annual, transparent reporting on your progress towards reaching this goal. 

Even if your company is not ready to commit to 100% renewable power, you can still set a bold target that will get you started on the journey to supporting renewable power. Any shift away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources will help slow climate change and help set an example that renewables make good sense for business and the economy.

Or, if you’ve already committed to 100% renewable power and want to do more, you can go even farther by:

  • Encouraging your suppliers to join you in making a commitment to 100% renewable power like Clif Bar. In 2014 Clif Bar introduced a “50/50 by 2020” initiative with the goal of helping 50 of their key supplier facilities to transition to at least 50% green energy by 2020. See below for more information on this initiative.
  • Expanding your renewables commitment to your full energy use including liquid fuels and natural gas. For manufacturers the GHG emissions from boilers, furnaces and other nonelectric energy use is often far more than electrical.

Companies making Renewable Energy Commitment via the Climate Collaborative will be expected to complete an annual online questionnaire updating the Climate Collaborative on progress made toward the commitment. The questionnaire will be short and should not be burdensome to complete.


Access more resources to help support your Renewable Energy Commitment work

[1] U.S. Energy Information Administration (2015)



Algama Foods
Alter Eco
Amavida Coffee Roasters
Amy's Kitchen
American Licorice Company
Annmarie Skin Care
Aslan Brewing Co
Backpacker's Pantry & Chef Soraya
Ben & Jerry's
Biotic Beverages
Blue Evolution
Bluebird Botanicals
Booda Organics
Bread Alone
Brewery Vivant
Brother Bru Bru's
Buchi Kombucha
Califia Farms
Casa Sanchez Foods
Cha's Organics
Chico Bag / To-Go Ware
Clif Bar
Clif Family Winery
Cooper Mountain Vineyards
Davidson's Organic Tea
DOLIUM Bodega Subterranea
Dr Hops Kombucha Beer, LLC
Dr. Bronner's
Ecco Bella
Eco Gloves
Eco Lips
Eden Foods
Endorfin Foods
EO Products
Ethical Bean Coffee
Fetzer Vineyards
Forager Project
Fungi Perfecti
Gaia Herbs
GoGo Quinoa
Good Food For Good
Grandy Organics
Hippie Snacks
I and Love and You
Imagine Baking
Imlak'esh Organics
Lifeway Foods, Inc. Loving Earth
Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss
Lundberg Family Farms
Manzana Products Co., Inc.
Maple Wellness Foods
Moon Valley Organics
Mountain Rose Herbs
Nana Joe's Granola
Natreve Wellness
Nature's Path
New Barn
Ninglement Inc
North Coast Brewing Company
nuherbs Co.
One Village Coffee
Oregon's Wild Harvest
Organic India
Orpheus and Lyre
Peak State
People Against Dirty - Method Products
Perfect Supplements
Pharmanza Herbal
Plum Organics
Prana Biovegan
Pratt Standard
Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery
The Refill Shoppe
Rogue Creamery
Rumiano Cheese Company
Sencha Naturals
Seven Sundays
Seventh Generation
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co
Simply Straws
Skagit Valley Malting
Spinster Sisters, Inc.
Straus Family Creamery
SunRidge Farms
Teadora Beauty
Teatulia Organic Teas
Thanksgiving Coffee
The Philosopher's Stoneground
Tony's Coffee
Traditional Medicinals
Uncle Harry's Natural Products
Van Leeuwen Ice Cream
W.S. Badger Company
Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water
The Wonderful Company
Yellowbird Sauce

7 Stars Holistic Healing Center
Ashland Food Co-op
Boise Co-op
Bryd's Filling Station
Co+opportunity Market & Deli
Community Food Co-op
Cornucopia Natural Foods
Figgs Ordinary
Flatbush Food Co-op
Good Earth Natural Foods
Grove Collaborative
Healthy Way Market
LifeSource Natural Foods
MaMa Jean's Natural Market
MOM's Organic Market
Orcas Food Co-op
Organic Food Depot
Oryana Food Cooperative
Outpost Natural Foods
PCC Community Markets
Portland Food Co-op
Pure Fresh & Organic
Rising Tide Co-op
Sunflower Natural Foods Market
The Merc Co+op
Viroqua Food Co-op
Weaver's Way Cooperative Association
Wheatsville Food Co-op
Ypsilanti Food Co-op

Giusto's Specialty Foods
Hummingbird Wholesale

Adaptations Inc
Avocado Green Brands
ECO HUB INC, Build a Blend and Ingredient Hub
Eco Gloves
Evergreen Innovations
Fresca Foods
Frontier Co-op
Herbal Healing
JM Smucker Company
Jungle Project
Left Coast Naturals
Maple Valley Cooperative
New England Natural Bakers, Inc
Notas al Aire SLU
Organically Grown
Precision Plus
Sustainable Sourcing LLC (DBA Himala Salt)
Sweet Additions
The Happy Beast
Tribe 9 Foods
World Centric
Yellow Emperor

Aurora Organic Dairy
Global Family Farms
Organic Valley
Skinny Farm
Sudhmahadev Vegetable Producer Company Ltd
Triage Limited Timeless Food

1908 Brands
Active Wisdoms Corporation
ADinfinitum, Inc
Beneficial Results LLC
Bioenergy Devco
Brand Geek/ Law Office of Lara Pearson
Brand Secrets and Strategies
Buy Pure New Zealand
Center for a Sustainable Coast
Change Finance, PBC
Clean Energy Fuel
Climate Dads
Comercio Competitivo Inc.
Community Planet Foundation
Davidson Anesthesia, PLLC
Deklo Technologies
DIRTT Environmental Solutions
EarthyB LLC
Effect Partners
Exact Solar
Fosterra, LLC
Generate Capital
Good Company
Grassroots Capital Management PBC
Green Retirement, Inc.
Grøn Sky ApS
Growing Naturally, llc, Brewberry Farms, llc
Hampshire Power Corporation
Hela Bima Rice Project
Hemp Press
Human Needs Project
Jack's Solar Garden
Kinarya Coop
Leading from Wholeness
LeBel Marketing
Legacy Vacation Resorts
Marin Restorative Communications
Metis Consulting Group
Metta Earth Institute, Inc.
Mindful & Good
MK Library
Modern Species
The Natural Growth Company
Natural Network
Neighborhood Sun
Net Zero Analysis & Design Corp
New Hope Network
Nia Impact Capital
Organic & Regenerative Investment Cooperative
Paintbox Catering and Bistro Inc.
Plan International
Planted Cuisine
Pure Strategies
ReGen Partners LLC
Soil & More Impacts
TAP Synergy Works, llc
Terra Genesis International
The Determined
The HERD Foundation
The Naturalist
Tribal Code
Vanguard Renewables
Vista Caballo