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The Climate Case

“Our current political climate requires businesses to step up and work for the changes we know are necessary. We know that by working together, the Climate Collaborative can be a strong, cooperative voice for much-needed change. It’s up to us.” -George Siemon, former CEO at Organic Valley


Policy in Action: Picture of staff from Clif, Stonyfield, and Ben & Jerry's meeting with legislators

Policy is an essential lever for reversing climate change. Although corporate cooperation is critical to our ability to make progress on climate change, we also need strong public policies in place to ensure the progress necessary to stay below the critical limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius warming that scientists and the international community agree will trigger dire consequences for the planet.

“Business leaders now believe that only with greater government intervention - at global, national and local levels - can sustainability move from sporadic, incremental advances to a collective and transformative impact.”- CEO Study on Sustainability, UN Global Compact and Accenture, 2013

Why do we need climate policy? The global nature of climate change – a true “tragedy of the commons” – makes it too easy for the efforts of climate-forward corporations to be rendered moot by the actions of others that fail to act in a similarly climate-friendly manner. Only with government policies and enforcement can we hope to enact the kinds of sweeping changes needed to make a difference and to level the playing field for businesses.

Climate advocacy and policy engagement are critical imperatives for companies in the grocery industry committed to climate justice. The grocery sector plays a significant role in the supply chain and consumption patterns, and its operations impact both greenhouse gas emissions and environmental sustainability. Engaging in climate advocacy allows companies to actively contribute to shaping policies that prioritize sustainable practices, reduce emissions, and foster a more resilient and equitable food system. By advocating for climate-conscious policies, these companies can influence industry standards, promote transparency, and address environmental injustices embedded in the supply chain.

Take Action

This commitment is in no way a political statement, nor does it mean your company must support any particular political party’s agenda or candidates. That is your choice alone. A commitment to responsible engagement in climate policy means that your company commits to supporting legislation to:

  • Promote energy efficiency and renewable energy;
  • Increase investment in a clean energy economy;
  • Support climate change adaptation; and
  • Put a price on carbon emissions.

These are the building blocks of advancing meaningful progress on climate change. However, if you’d like to take your commitment one step further, your company can go above and beyond by ensuring that this commitment occurs at every level of your organization.
For example, although your company’s CEO might add their name to an industry sign-on letter to the EPA Administrator expressing support for increased fuel efficiency standards, your company may also be a member of a trade association that is actively lobbying against those same standards, rendering your company’s leadership on climate less effective. Taking the time to identify and rectify these types of inconsistencies throughout your organization can significantly deepen your company’s commitment.
Companies committing to responsible engagement in climate policy will be expected to complete a short annual questionnaire updating the Climate Collaborative on progress made toward the commitment.


Access more resources to help support your Policy Commitment

  • Make a Policy Commitment through the Climate Collaborative
  • Visitor our Policy Resources page to access case studies, videos, tools, and other resources from our partners to help organizations interested in advocating for sound climate policy.

Our goal is to make it easy as possible for your company to make this commitment and adhere to the best practices. To that end, we are partnering with BICEP (Business for Innovative Climate & Energy Policy) an advocacy coalition of businesses committed to working with policy makers to pass meaningful energy and climate legislation that will enable a rapid transition to a low-carbon, 21st century economy creating new jobs and stimulating economic growth while stabilizing our planet's fragile climate. BICEP is a project of Ceres, a nonprofit network of investors, companies and public interest groups to accelerate and expand the adoption of sustainable business practices and solutions to build a healthy global economy.



All Good
Alter Eco
Amavida Coffee Roasters
Amy's Kitchen
Aslan Brewing Co
Au Naturale Cosmetics
Avocado Green Brands
Backpacker's Pantry & Chef Soraya
Ben & Jerry's
Bhakti Chai
BHC Studio
Big Tree Farms
Biotic Beverages
Blue Bus Cultured Foods
Blue Evolution
Bluebird Botanicals
Boulder Organic Foods
Bread Alone
Buchi Kombucha
Bumbleroot Foods
Califia Farms
Cha's Organics
Chico Bag / To-Go Ware
Choquiero Chocolate
Clif Bar
Clif Family Winery
The Coffee Barn
Coolhaus Ice Cream
Cooper Mountain Vineyards
Davidson's Organic Tea
Desert Shadow
Dr Hops Kombucha Beer, LLC
Dr. Brite
Dr. Bronner's
Earth Friendly Products
ECO HUB INC, Build a Blend and Ingredient Hub
Eden Foods
EFFI Foods
Endorfin Foods
EO Products
Essential Formulas
Essential Oxygen
Ethical Bean Coffee
Fetzer Vineyards
Forager Project
Fruit d'Or
Future Proof Brands LLC
Gaia Herbs
Gather Nuts
gimMe Snacks
GnuSante Creations
Good Spread
Goodbuy Sugar
Grandy Organics
Happy Family
Herbal Healing
Imagine Baking
Imlak'esh Organics
Keen One Foods LLC
Khala Cloths
Kuli Kuli Foods
LeBel Marketing
Loving Earth
Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss
Lundberg Family Farms
Manzana Products Co., Inc.
Maple Wellness Foods
Martin Bauer Group
Marty's Meals/Shine
MELT Organic (Prosperity Organic Foods)
Miyoko's Kitchen
Mom's Modern Mixes
Moon Valley Organics
Mother Kombucha
Nana Joe's Granola
Natreve Wellness
Nature's Path
Navitas Organics
New Barn
No Evil Foods
Neutral Foods
nuherbs Co.
Oakland Coffee Works
Olita Inc
Organic Valley
Orpheus and Lyre
Outdoor Herbivore
Peak State
Pharmanza Herbal
Pines International, Inc.
Pratt Standard
Pulp Pantry
Pure Organic Foods and Fiber, Inc.
RE Botanicals
Rich Nuts
Rogue Creamery
Rumiano Cheese Company
Seventh Generation
Shanbally Herb Dispensary
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co
Simply Straws
Spinster Sisters, Inc.
Stardust Sustainables
The Steeping Room
Straus Family Creamery
Sun Genomics
sunomi switchel
SunRidge Farms
Teadora Beauty
Teatulia Organic Teas
The GFB: Gluten Free Bar
The Happy Beast
the Make Studio
The Philosopher's Stoneground
The Run-A-Ton Group Inc/Wholly Wholesome
The Synergy Company
Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed
Tony's Coffee
Tribe Skincare
Van Leeuwen Ice Cream
W.S. Badger Company
Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water
Welly Bottle
WishGarden Herbs

Basil Bandwagon
Billings ReFill Shoppe
Boise Co-op
BriarPatch Cooperative
Cambridge Naturals
Co+opportunity Market & Deli
Common Crow Natural Market
Community Food Co-op
Crunchy Mama Box
Deep Roots Market
Good Earth Natural Foods
Green Zebra Grocery
Grove Collaborative
Healthy Way Market
Hive Brands, Inc.
Just Salad
LifeSource Natural Foods
MOM's Organic Market
Monadnock Food Co-op
Narrative Food
National Co+op Grocers
Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage
New Seasons Market
No Bones Beach Club
Ocean Beach People's Organic Food Coop
Orcas Food Co-op
Oryana Food Cooperative
Palace Market
PCC Community Markets
Pure Fresh & Organic
Rising Tide Co-op
Rising Tide Natural Market
River Valley Co-op
Slo Natural Foods Co-op
The Merc Co+op
Thrive Market
Viroqua Food Co-op
Weaver's Way Cooperative Association
Wheatsville Food Co-op
Winter Ridge Natural Foods
Ypsilanti Food Co-op
Zingerman's Community of Business

Dennick FruitSource
Eco Gloves
Eco Quality Solutions LLC
Hummingbird Wholesale
Veritable Vegetable

Aliet Green
Danone North America
Fresca Foods
Giusto's Specialty Foods
JM Smucker Company
Maple Valley Cooperative
Mountain Rose Herbs
Natural Habitats
Nature Bio Foods
Organically Grown
Precision Plus
Runamok Maple, LLC
Sustainable Sourcing LLC

40 Acre Co-op
Alexandre Family Farm
Global Family Farms
Kamut International
Kol Foods
Skinny Farm
Vilicus Farms

1908 Brands
About and For Sustainability
ADinfinitum, Inc
Agribusiness Global Allies
All Things Green PR
Associated Labels and Packaging
Bliss Network
Botanical Consulting International, LLC
Brand Geek/ Law Office of Lara Pearson
Brand Secrets and Strategies
Buy Pure New Zealand
Carbon Farm
Center for a Sustainable Coast
Change Finance, PBC
Climate Clean, Inc.
Climate Positive Consulting
Cold Creek Compost
Common Interest
Community Planet Foundation
Compass Natural Marketing
Covet PR
Craft Brew Alliance
Davidson Anesthesia, PLLC
Down to Earth Organic & Natural
EarthyB LLC
Effect Partners
Elk Packaging
Exact Solar
Focus Healthcare Products Fosterra, LLC
Fresh Ideas Group
Garcoa, Inc.
Generate Capital
Good Company
Grady Britton
Hampshire Power Corporation
Hela Bima Rice Project
HigherRing, Inc.
Human Needs Project
Leading from Wholeness
Legacy Vacation Resorts
Locus Agricultural Solutions
Mango Materials
Marin Restorative Communications
Metis Consulting Group
Metta Earth Institute, Inc.
Meyer Family Enterprises
MK Library
Modern Species
Monolithic Materials
MxG Fiber
Natural Network
Neighborhood Sun
Net Zero Analysis & Design Corp
New Leaf Paper
Nia Impact Capital
NY NJ Food Guru LLC
Organic & Natural Health Association
Organic & Regenerative Investment Cooperative
Plan International
Planet+Purpose Solutions
Planted Cuisine
Pure Strategies
Purevant Living
ReGen Partners LLC
RSF Social Finance
Shift the Prism Advisory
Soil & More Impacts
Soil Science Society of America
Source Organic
Spirited Artisan Collaborative
Sustainable Concepts Studio
Sustainable Herbs Program
TAP Synergy Works, llc
Terra Genesis International
The Determined
The Garden Sage
The HERD Foundation
The Naturalist
THG Energy
Thinkshift Communications
Triage Limited
Tribal Code
Trust Transparency Center
Vanguard Renewables
Wisdom Works
Wolf, DiMatteo + Associates