You can view and download a PDF version of the update here.
The Climate Collaborative’s (CC) Tracking Progress Update is a short annual survey for committed companies to provide information on how they are progressing against their climate commitments. 2018 is the first tracking progress cycle for the CC; we asked all companies that made commitments before December 31, 2017 to respond.
Companies are expected to provide information for each commitment they have made; quantitative data is welcome but not required. To learn more about CC commitments visit Take action.
Summary Results
We received 168 responses covering a total of 543 climate action commitments.
Commitment Progress
The responses showed that most companies are already in the process of implementing their climate action commitments.
On average, 66% of companies are in the midst of implementing their climate commitments.
The remaining companies are either in active planning stages or haven’t yet determined how they will implement their commitments.
Renewable Energy is the commitment area in which companies are making the most progress, with 75% of companies actively implementing and 63% reporting strong progress. It’s also the area where we saw the highest level of measurement, with 70% of companies reporting that they were quantifying their progress.
Companies are also making strong progress implementing Packaging and Transportation commitments, with 75% of companies having begun implementation in both cases. This is encouraging to see, especially given that companies had identified these two commitment areas as the most challenging to implement in our 2017 programming survey.
In 2015, we constructed a 100-panel 25 KW solar array |
The steps we have taken for packaging include: switching from cardboard cases covered in white ink to 'natural' brown cases, and also transitioning to a lighter-strength box. This change reduces cardboard used overall. Looking ahead at 2018, we are pursuing a transition from virgin plastic (PET) to 100% post-consumer recycled plastic resin (rPET) to be used in all REBBL bottles. We will also assess the reduction of the grams of plastic per bottle, thus utilizing less of the material for our pack. Our bottles and caps are also free of BPA, a controversial component used in polycarbonate beverage bottles. |
Policy and Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) are the commitment areas in which companies reported making the least progress. For Policy, just over half (51%) of companies have begun implementing the commitment, with only 17% reporting good or robust progress. For SLCPs, only 50% are implementing the commitment in any way.
PCC is active in Washington state policy and submits comments routinely to the National Organic Standards Board. We have supported Seattle’s plastic bag ban, Washington State’s net-pen ban, and Washington state’s restriction of PFAS chemicals in food packaging. Our PCC Advocates is an email list that we use to send members action alerts, encouraging them to call their representatives or submit comments on proposed legislation or rules that would negatively impact the health of our communities, our ecosystems, and food systems. Additionally, we’ve published articles advocating for climate action, and highlighting the Climate Collaborative to bring awareness to the issue. |
We are working with four anaerobic digester companies to design and trial an economically and operationally viable anaerobic digester technology for small to medium-sized organic dairy farms. |
Quantifying Emissions Reductions:
On average, companies are quantifying emissions reductions 36% of the time. Progress in quantifying emissions reductions was most advanced around Renewable Energy, with 70% of companies reporting that they were quantifying progress in this area. This was followed by Transportation, with 46% of companies quantifying reductions, and Energy Efficiency, with 43% of companies quantifying reductions.
Quantifying emissions reductions was least advanced around Food Waste, with 80% of companies reporting that they are not quantifying reductions. This was followed by Packaging, with 77% of companies reporting they are not quantifying reductions, and Agriculture, with 73% not yet quantifying reductions.
Other Key Insights:
Responses make it clear companies are most advanced in working toward transitioning to Renewable Energy. This was the commitment where the most progress on both implementation and quantification was reported.
On Food Waste, companies are making strong progress on implementation, but there is a lag in quantification. Whereas 73% of companies are implementing food waste reductions only 20% are quantifying them. There is a similar lag in quantification on Packaging, where 75% of companies report implementation progress but only 23% are quantifying the results. Companies are lagging in both implementation and reporting on SLCPs, with only 50% implementing the commitment, and just 36% measuring progress.
Alter Eco has a program in place for the redistribution and sale for excess products, thus avoiding food waste from spoilage. The products with less than six months until expiration are placed with specific retailers/distributors that have high turnover. They are also sold through yearly office sales, redistributed as donations, or delivered to food banks. By 2020, we aim to achieve near Zero Waste status for office operations. Zero Waste means 10% or less of all waste goes to landfill by reusing, composting, or recycling the rest. This will entail tightening the positive solid waste practices that are already in place through the San Francisco Green Business certification. |
In addition to maintaining our LEED Gold Status and Bay Area Green Business Certification at the Berkeley office, in 2016 we earned the Climate Disruptors award for energy efficiency projects that led to a 30% reduction in annual electricity usage and a 60% reduction in annual natural gas usage in the Berkeley office. We also prioritize energy efficiency in the supply chain; through conducting an annual Supplier Practices Survey for manufacturing suppliers, we have determined that 70% of manufacturing partners track energy use, 40% have an energy reduction goal, 35% track their greenhouse gas emissions related to energy use, and 30% have a reduction goal for GHG’s. |
Since our Climate Collaborative commitment, we've introduced renewable diesel which has greatly reduced our GHG emissions. We have measured our emissions and recorded progress. Between 2017 and this year, we’ve increased our consumption of renewable diesel by 22%. As a result, we’ve reduced GHG emissions by 31%, as of the first half of 2018. |
Reporting platforms used:
As part of the survey, we asked companies which external reporting platforms they used. According to survey respondents, B Lab is the top reporting among committed companies, with 54 companies reporting to B Lab (36% of respondents on this question). 66 (44%) of companies reported not using a formal reporting platform.
Other reporting platforms used:1% for the Planet, NCG Coefficient, USGBC, CCOF, Climate Registry, Fair for Life, Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative, SPINS, OTA
Our first focus for this commitment area was to ensure that all palm oil that we use is certified by RSPO (it is). Our second focus was to draft a code of conduct and have suppliers sign it (90% of ingredient suppliers have signed the code to date), which contains a clause that prohibits deforestation. Our next task has been to verify that the paperboard and cardboard sourced on our behalf contains either PCR content or certified virgin materials. We are still working through this fact finding process with our suppliers. |
Organic food and farming delivers multiple benefits for people, the health of the environment and the well-being health of rural communities. In 2015, we set a goal to source 80% organic and certified sustainable ingredients by 2020 over a 75% baseline. We’re on track to achieve that, reaching 77.4% in 2017 and 78.7% in the first quarter of 2018. We have sourced over 888 million pounds of organic ingredients since 2003. This has resulted in over 6.5 million pounds of synthetic fertilizers that were not applied and more than 30,000 acres of land is farmed organically because of our use of organic oats and soy. Through the Clif Bar Family Foundation, we launched the unprecedented $1.9 million Seed Matters Initiative to: revitalize public organic crop breeding by funding 17 graduate student fellows in seven universities across five regions; promote U.S. crop genetic diversity; and support American farmers’ roles and rights as seed innovators. Clif Bar has also committed to endowing five University chairs in organic research. Two have already been funded; the University of Wisconsin and in January of 2018, we announced the funding of an endowment to support Washington State’s Bread Lab to continue its research breeding grains adapted to organic farming practices. |
To learn more and see a fuller set of findings, please see our Tracking Progress 2018 Appendix.