We are now less than two weeks out from Climate Day 2022 on March 8th at Expo West, and we cannot wait! The agenda reflects all of the speakers and topics that we have been so eager to bring in-person to you. You will see some consistent themes throughout the day: the critical role that distributors and retailers play in mobilizing the supply chain, the importance of centering justice and equity in our climate work, strategies for achieving net zero goals, why companies need to engage in policy action, and how to connect with consumers about climate.
- See the full agenda on the Expo West website
- Visit the Climate Collaborative website for an event overview
To make Climate Day as actionable and impactful as possible, our vision for the event was to weave together speakers and messages that will touch hearts and minds. Speakers include:
- Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr, Hip Hop Caucus
- Tamara Toles O'Laughlin, Environmental Grantmakers Association
- Ed Maibach, George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
- Lauren Yarmuth, The Cultural Conditions Project
- Chief Dana Tizya-Tramm, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
- Clover Hogan, Force of Nature
...and so many more!
We are at such a critical moment, and we want to speak to what is alive in so many of our hearts, bring voice to what is at stake and what is needed in our world, connect with this amazing community, and then take all of this energy and move it into meaningful action. The time is now for all of us to step even further into this work.
I so look forward to seeing many of you in Anaheim!
With gratitude,
Courtney Pineau
Partner Event: B Lab - Aligning the Rules: Become an Advocate for Policy Change (RESET Leadership)
March 3rd, 12:00 - 2:00 pm ET
B Lab, alongside their partners Imperative 21 and B Team, is thrilled to be launching a new initiative to catalyze the systemic change we need: RESET Leadership (RL2030). This initiative aims to transform leadership and the rules that shape leadership behavior. This particular session will demystify policy advocacy and give you the foundations to become a powerful policy advocate, help you link advocacy to communications strategy, and develop issue-based policy peer networks. Learn more and register here!
Tuesday, March 8th, 8:00 am - 6:30 pm PST
Don't miss out on the best day of the year - inspiring speakers, real-world advice you can use, and the connections you need to make climate action. RSVP now to let us know you can make it! Climate Day events are free with your exhibit hall badge! If you haven't registered for Expo West yet, you can do so here.
Partner Events: OSC at Expo West
March 9th - 11th, 2022
Traveling to Expo West? Don't miss our partner One Step Closer's (OSC) events! They're hosting a full day on J.E.D.I programming on Wednesday, Packaging education on Thursday, and a special community breakfast on Friday. View their events here!
Department of Energy's (DOE) Better Climate Challenge
This initiative is a voluntary partnership open to any U.S. institution that is willing to commit to halving its emissions (from scope 1 and 2 sources) by 2030. The Better Climate Challenge is a national leadership initiative calling on chief executive officers, among others, to reduce GHG emissions, create jobs, and promote healthy, safe, and thriving communities. Better Climate Challenge Partners will make public commitments to action committing to a 50% or more reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across their U.S. building and plant portfolio in 10-years.
More details are included in the fact sheet, partnership agreement, and FAQs. Email the department directly with any questions.
New data reveals two-thirds of surveyed small businesses concerned over navigating climate action
First of its kind survey of businesses from UN-backed SME Climate Hub shows that small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) need additional resources and guidance to reduce carbon emissions.
Is Your Organization's CEO Making a Difference?
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 Responsible CEO of the Year Awards. Responsible CEOs play an active and influential role in ensuring that their organizations deliver on their corporate purpose and their ESG and sustainability commitments. To nominate a CEO for Responsible CEO of the Year, download the nomination package here. Please complete the nomination form and send all materials to [email protected] by March 31. Note: There is no cost to nominate your CEO.
Have you had any climate impact successes you think we should know about? Send them our way and we’ll make sure that your lessons learned benefit the whole community.
Send us any blog or social media posts your company publishes about your experience reducing your impact on the climate and we'll spread the word!
Twitter: @climatecoll Instagram: @theclimatecollaborative Facebook: /climatecollab
If you haven't already made a commitment to Climate Action please visit the Climate Collaborative website and check out the nine areas in which your company can make a commitment to bold climate action.